Latest info from Global Business Hub Tokyo

”MARUNOUCHI THE PRESS Vol.28” distributed in Marunouchi area!



“MARUNOUCHI THE PRESS vol.28” the free magazine sponsored by Mitsubishi Estate, will be distributed at Marunouchi area’s brochure stand until mid-November. Please find the actress Eiko Koike on the cover page!


≪Special Feature≫

Focused on “Global Business Hub Tokyo,” the business support facility for global growing company which is newly opened in Otemachi this July. Facility is introduced through the interview by the users of the facility, Apttus (U.S.) and HubSpot (U.S.).


◆Mitchell Kristofferson, the General Manager of Apttus Japan


◆Yuri Akahira, the General Manager of HubSpot Japan

Office Tour Reservation

If you would like to tour our office, please submit your request here.
By visiting in person, you can experience the atmosphere and details of the office that cannot be understood from the website

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